Friday, March 1, 2013

To You, Salina

Dear Salina,

I have been meaning to start a blog for a long time. I really do not know where to start when writing this, because I have been thinking about it for a long time but I will try to gather my thoughts. 

When I first learned of your illness, I was surprised but I felt that I could connect with you right away, because I too was facing my own illness. I never told you this, because I thought it would be too much for me to say, but silently I prayed for you (for the both of us). As you began to post your own blog and told your story about your illness, I could not believe how brave you were to be able to share so much with your friends. I know you and I would only exchange a few words in class, but I want you to know that I really look up to you and you really have inspired me to begin this blog and share my illness experience as well. You really mean so much to so many people and I thank you for giving me so much in so little time.

Now, that I am facing some difficulty throughout my own illness, I want you to know that I truly believe in your motto that "No one fights alone." My family and friends have been of great support to me. And even though I never said anything to you about your illness, what I would have liked to have said that time I saw you in class for the first time after your diagnosis is that I knew what you were going through and I understood! That, yes it sucks to be sick so young. I am sorry for never saying anything. I think I was scared to acknowledge how scared I was at the time. I should have hugged you and asked you if you needed anything. But I know you are with God now and I hope this can reach you somehow. I know you are listening!

Thank you again for being such an inspiration. I think you definitely know you are an inspiration! Wasn't the memorial during graduation beautiful? Your family looked very happy to have that moment and I was so happy that the entire class was able to share that moment. 

As for me, I will continue fighting to get better and be healthy once again. I hope to help more young people like us that face so many illnesses and hopefully motivate others who might feel alone in the process. Help them feel that "No one fights alone" even if it feels like it sometimes. 

You are missed, Salina. I hope we can all make you proud.

Love always,
This blog was inspired by Salina Rios.

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